Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Beans and Potatoes

1 pound fresh green beans
5 slices bacon
1 chopped onion
4 new potatoes
salt to taste
1 tsp black pepper
4 cups water
Snap beans and wash well.Place a large pot over medium heat and cook bacon until light brown.Add the beans and all the other ingredients and water..Simmer for about 1 hour or until nice and tender..Add additional water if necessary...
I can hardly wait for all of the fresh vegies to be here...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Crispy Potato Patties Recipe - Appetizer Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes

Crispy Potato Patties Recipe - Appetizer Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes

Crispy Potato Patties Recipe

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 8 minutes

Total Time: 23 minutes


  • 2 cups mashed potatoes
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 onion, minced (optional) I didn't use the onion
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/8 tsp. white pepper
  • 2-3 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1/2 cup flour


Mix together mashed potatoes, beaten egg and onion in a medium bowl. Add salt and pepper and stir. Over medium heat, heat olive oil in a medium size nonstick frying pan. Drop about 1/4 cup of the potato mixture into the frying pan, patting it into 4 inch circles that are 1/2" thick. Cook until bottom is browned and crisp, about 3-4 minutes. Using a spatula (I sprayed the spatula with Pam Olive Oil) Carefully turn the patty over and cook the second side until brown and crisp, 3-4 minutes. Serve with ketchup or salsa

Makes:  * 8 Crispy Potato Patties

Friday, June 17, 2011

Bacon and Cabbage

I found this recipe on this website. Whoever submitted it gave the credit to Paula Dean. It is delicious!
4 slices of bacon chopped. Cook until almost crisp. Remove bacon, leave drippings Add 4T butter (over medium heat). Chop a small head of cabbage (about 25 oz.) and add to pan with 1/3 cup water. Cover and cook about 10-15 min. 'till cabbage is tender. Add the bacon and a CAN of corned beef (break it up). Heat thru, uncovered

Inside BruCrew Life: Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes

Inside BruCrew Life: Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes

Rachael Ray Show - On the Show - How to Make a Personalized Casserole Dish

Rachael Ray Show - On the Show - How to Make a Personalized Casserole Dish

Rachael Ray Show - Food

Rachael Ray Show - Food

Banana Mallow Pie Recipe - Allrecipes.com

 Banana Mallow Pie Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cooks.com - Recipe - Moms Special Mashed Potatoes

Cooks.com - Recipe - Moms Special Mashed Potatoes

Cooks.com - Recipe - Chicken & Dumplings

Cooks.com - Recipe - Chicken & Dumplings

Cooks.com - Recipe - Mom's Sloppy Joes

Cooks.com - Recipe - Mom's Sloppy Joes

Cooks.com - Recipe - Strawberry-Pretzel Salad

Cooks.com - Recipe - Strawberry-Pretzel Salad

Cooks.com - Recipe - Strawberry Jello Salad With Pretzel Crust

Cooks.com - Recipe - Strawberry Jello Salad With Pretzel Crust

Uses for Vinegar (Long List)


Kill germs on bathroom fixtures by using one part
vinegar to one part water in a spray bottle.
Spray the bathroom fixtures and floor,
then wipe clean.

Soap and stain build up can be removed from chrome
and plastic fixturesif they are cleaned with a
mixture of 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons
of distilled vinegar.

Clean soap scum, mildew, and grime from bathtub,
tile, and shower curtains. Simply wipe the
surface with Vinegar and rinse with water.

Stubborn stains can be removed from the toilet
by spraying them with vinegar and brushing
vigorously. The bowl may be deodorized by adding 3
cups of distilled vinegar. Allow it to remain for
a half hour, then flush.

Unclog a shower head by unscrewing it, remove the
rubber washer, place the head in a pot filled with
equal parts Vinegar and water, bring to a boil,
then simmer for five minutes.

Corrosion may be removed from showerheads or
faucets by soaking them in diluted distilled
vinegar overnight. This may be easily accomplished
by saturating a terry cloth towel in vinegar and
wrapping it around the showerhead or faucet.

Bath tub film can be removed by wiping with
vinegar and then with soda.Rinse clean with water.


Fish bowl cleaner Eliminate that ugly deposit in
the gold fish tank by rubbing it with a cloth
dipped in vinegar and rinsing well.

Eliminate animal urine stains from carpet. Blot
up urine with a soft cloth, flush several times
with lukewarm water, then apply a mixture of equal
parts vinegar and cool water. Blot up, rinse,
and let dry.

Deter ants. Spray vinegar around door and window
frames, under appliances, and along other known
ant trails.

Remove skunk odor from a dog.
Rub fur with full strength vinegar; rinse.

Keep cats away. Sprinkle vinegar on an area to
discourage cats from walking,sleeping, or
scratching on it.

Keep dogs from scratching ears. Clean the inside
of the ears with a soft cloth dipped in diluted

Keep away fleas and mange. Add a little vinegar to
your pet's drinking water.

Keep chickens from pecking each other. Add cider
vinegar to their drinking water.

Clean milking equipment. Rinse with vinegar to
leave system clean, odorless, and bacteria free
without harmful chemical residue.


Polish car chrome. Apply full strength.

Clean rust from tools, bolts, and spigots. Soak
the rusted tool, bolt, or spigot in undiluted
vinegar overnight.

Keep car windows frost free. Coat the windows
the night before with a solution of three parts
vinegar to one part water.


Grow beautiful azaleas: Occasionally water plants
with a mixture of two tablespoons vinegar to
one quart water. Azaleas love acidic soil.

Kill grass on walks and driveways.
Pour full strength on unwanted grass.

Kill weeds. Spray full strength on growth until
plants have starved.

Increase soil acidity. In hard water areas, add
a cup of vinegar to a gallon of tap water for
watering acid loving plants like rhododendrums,
gardenias, or azaleas. The vinegar will release
iron in the soil for the plants to use.

Freshen cut flowers. Add 2 tablespoons vinegar
and 1 teaspoon sugar for each quart of water.

Prolong the life of flowers in a vase. Add two
tablespoons of vinegar plus three
tablespoons of sugar per quart of warm water.
Stems should be in three to four inches of water.

Neutralize garden lime. Rinse your hands liberally
with vinegar after working with garden lime to
avoid rough and flaking skin.
Clean pots before repotting, rinse with vinegar to
remove excess lime.


Dampen your appetite. Sprinkle a little vinegar on
prepared food to take the edge off your appetite.

Soothe a bee or jellyfish sting. Dot or douce the
irritated area with vinegar and relieve itching.

Relieve itching by using a cotton ball to dab
mosquito and other bug bites with Vinegar straight
from the bottle.

Relieve sunburn by lightly rubbing it with
vinegar. You may have to reapply.

Take 1 cup of vinegar and warm water into a
large glass and use to rinse your hair after
you shampoo. Vinegar adds highlights to brunette
hair, restores the acid mantel, and removes
soap film and sebum oil.

You take 1 tablespoon full and swollow when you
have the hiccups. It stops them instantly.

Relieve dry and itchy skin. Add 2 tablespoons to
bath water.

Fight dandruff, by rinsing with vinegar and
2 cups of warm water, after shampooing.

Soothe a sore throat. Put a teaspoon of vinegar
in a glass of water. Gargle, then swallow.

Cure for colds. Mix one-quarter cup Apple Cider
Vinegar with one-quarter cup honey.
Take one tablespoon six to eight times daily.

Treat sinus infections and chest colds.
Add 1/4 cup or more vinegar to the vaporizer.

Feel good recipe. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass
of water, with a bit of honey added for flavor,
will take the edge off your appetite and give
you an overall healthy feeling.

Remove fruit stains from hands. Rub with vinegar.

Remove warts by applying a lotion of half cider
vinegar and half glycerin.
Apply daily to warts until they dissolve.

Relieve arthritis. Before each meal, drink a
glass of water containing two teaspoons
Apple Cider Vinegar.
Give it at least three weeks to start working.

Remove corns by making a poultice of one crumbled
piece of bread soaked in one-quarter cup Vinegar.
Let poultice sit for one-half hour, then apply to
the corn and tape in place overnight. If corn does
not peel off by morning, reapply the poultice for
several consecutive nights.

Cure an upset stomach by drinking two teaspoons
Apple Cider Vinegar in one cup water.

Prevent yeast infections. Douche with one
tablespoon vinegar to one quart warm water,
to adjust the pH balance in the vagina.

Clean dentures by soaking them overnight in
vinegar, then brush away tartar with a toothbrush.

Relieve cough by mixing one-half cup Apple Cider
Vinegar, one-half cup water, one teaspoon cayenne
pepper, and four teaspoons honey.
Take one tablespoon when cough acts up.
Take another tablespoon at bedtime.


A mixture of salt and vinegar will clean coffee
and tea stains from chinaware.

Freshen vegetables. Soak wilted vegetables in
2 cups of water and a tablespoon of vinegar.

Boil better eggs by adding 2 tablespoons water
before boiling. Keeps them from cracking.

Marinating meat in vinegar kills bacteria and
tenderizes the meat. Use one-quarter cup
vinegar for a two to three pound roast, marinate
overnight, then cook without draining or
rinsing the meat.
Add herbs to the vinegar when marinating as desired.

Put vinegar on a cloth and let sit on the back
of your kitchen faucet and it removes hard water

Vinegar can help to dissolve mineral deposits that
collect in automatic drip coffee makers. Fill the
reservoir with vinegar and run it through a
brewing cycle. Rinse thoroughly with water when
the cycle is finished.
(Be sure sure to check the owners manual for
specific instructions).

Brass, copper and pewter will shine if cleaned
with the following mixture. Dissolve 1 teaspoon
of salt in 1 cup of distilled vinegar.

Clean the dishwasher by running a cup of vinegar
through the whole cycle once a month to reduce
soap build up on the inner mechanisms and on

Deodorize the kitchen drain. Pour a cup down the
drain once a week. Let stand 30 minutes and then
flush with cold water.

Unclog a drain. Pour a handful of baking soda down
the drain and add 1/2 cup of vinegar.
Rinse with hot water.

Eliminate onion odor by rubbing vinegar on your
fingers before and after slicing.

Clean and disinfect wood cutting boards by wiping
with full strength vinegar.

Cut grease and odor on dishes by adding a
tablespoon of vinegar to hot soapy water.

Clean a teapot by boiling a mixture of water and
vinegar in it. Wipe away the grime.

Clean and deodorize the garbage disposal by making
vinegar ice cubes and feed them down the disposal.
After grinding, run cold water through.

Clean and deodorize jars. Rinse mayonnaise, peanut
butter, and mustard jars with vinegar when empty.

Get rid of cooking smells by letting a small pot
of vinegar and water simmer on the stove.

Freshen a lunchbox by soaking a piece of bread in
vinegar and let it sit in the lunchbox over night.

Clean the refrigerator by washing with a solution
of equal parts water and vinegar.

Clean stainless steel by wiping with a vinegar
dampened cloth.

Clean china and fine glassware by adding a cup of
vinegar to a sink of warm water. Gently dip the
glass or china in the solution and let dry.

Get stains out of pots by filling the pots with
a solution of 3 tablespoons of vinegar to a pint
of water. Boil until stain loosens and can be
washed away.

Clean food-stained pots and pans by filling the
pots and pans with vinegar and let stand for
thirty minutes.
Then rinse in hot, soapy water.

Clean the microwave by boiling a solution of 1/4 cup
of vinegar and 1 cup of water in the microwave.
Will loosen splattered on food and deodorize.

Make buttermilk. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to a
cup of milk and let it stand 5 minutes to thicken.

Replace a lemon by substituting 1/4 teaspoon of
vinegar for 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Firm up gelatin by adding a teaspoon of vinegar
for every box of gelatin used. To keep those
molded desserts from sagging in the summer heat.

Prepare fluffier rice by adding a teaspoon of
vinegar to the water when it boils.

Make wine vinegar by mixing 2 tablespoons of
vinegar with 1 teaspoon of dry red wine.

Debug fresh vegetables by washing them in water
with vinegar and salt. Bugs float off.

Scale fish more easily by rubbing with vinegar 5
minutes before scaling.

Prevent soapy film on glassware by placing a cup
of vinegar on the bottom rack of your dishwasher,
run for five minutes, then run though the full

The minerals found in foods and water will often
leave a dark stain on aluminum utensils.
This stain can be easily removed by boiling a
solution of 1 tablespoon of distilled vinegar
per cup of water in the utensil.
Utensils may also be boiled in the solution.

Unsightly film in small-necked bottles and other
containers can be cleaned by pouring vinegar into
the bottle and shaking. For tougher stains, add a
few tablespoons of rice or sand and shake
vigorously. Rinse thoroughly and repeat until
clean or determined hopeless.

After cleaning the bread box, keep it smelling
sweet by wiping it down with a cloth moistened
in distilled vinegar.

To eliminate fruit stains from your hands, rub
your hands with a little distilled vinegar and
wipe them with a cloth.

Grease buildup in an oven can be prevented by
wiping with a cleaning rag that has been moistened
in distilled vinegar and water.

Formica tops and counters will shine if cleaned
with a cloth soaked in distilled vinegar.

No-wax linoleum will shine better if wiped with
a solution of 1/2 cup of white vinegar in
1/2 gallon of water.

Stains on hard-to-clean glass, aluminum, or
porcelain utensils may be loosened by boiling in
a solution of one part vinegar to eight parts
water. The utensils should then be washed in
hot soapy water.


Use vinegar in the steam cleaner to reduce soap

Mix vinegar with lindseed oil and use it to clean
your wood.

Clean eyeglasses by wiping each lens with a drop
of vinegar.

Soak new propane latern wicks in vinegar for
several hours. Let dry before using. Will burn
longer and brighter.

Deodorize the air. Vinegar is a natural air
freshener when sprayed in a room.

Turn a chicken bone into rubber by soaking it in a
glass of vinegar for three days. It will bend like

Deodorize a room filled with cigarette smoke or
paint fumes. Place a small bowl of vinegar in
the room.

Remove decals or bumper stickers by soaking a
cloth in Vinegar and cover the decal or bumper
sticker for several minutes until the vinegar
soaks in. The decals and bumper stickers should
peel off easily.

Cleaning windows by using undiluted Vinegar in
a spray bottle. Dry offwith newspaper.

Prevent patching plaster from drying by adding one
tablespoon vinegar to the water when mixing to
slow the drying time.

Plastic can be cleaned and made anti-static by
wiping down with a solution of 1 tablespoon of
distilled vinegar to 1 gallon of water.
This will cut down on the plastics' tendency to
attract dust.

The colors in carpets and rugs will often look
like they have taken a new lease on life if they
are brushed with a mixture of 1 cup of vinegar in
a gallon of water.

A mixture of one teaspoon of liquid detergent and
1 teaspoon of distilled vinegar in a pint of
lukewarm water will remove non-oily stains from
carpets. Apply it to the stain with a soft brush
or towel and rub gently. Rinse with a towel
moistened with clean water and blot dry. Repeat
this procedure until the stain is gone. Then dry
quickly, using a fan or hair dryer. This should be
done as soon as the stain is discovered.

Spots caused by cola-based soft drinks can be
removed from 100 percent cotton, cotton polyester
and permanent press fabrics if done so with in 24
hours. To do it, sponge distilled vinegar directly
onto the stain and rub away the spots. Then clean
according to the directions on the manufacturer's
care tag.

Sponging away grease and dirt with a sponge dipped
in distilled vinegar will keep exhaust fan grills,
air-conditioner blades and grills dust free.

Leather articles can be cleaned with a mixture of
distilled vinegar and linseed oil. Rub the mixture
into the leather and then polish with a soft cloth.

To loosen old glue around rungs and joints of
tables and chairs under repair, apply distilled
vinegar with a small oil can.

Soak a paint brush in hot vinegar, then wash out
with warm, sudsy water to soften it up.

Patent leather will shine better if wiped with a
soft cloth which has been moisten with distilled

To add a pleasant scent to a room while at the
same time removing an unpleasant odor, add
cardamom or other fragrant spice to a bowl of
distilled vinegar and place in the warmest corner
of the room.

Varnished wood often takes on a cloudy appearance.
If the cloudiness hasn't gone through to the wood,
the cloudiness can be removed by rubbing the wood
with a soft lintless cloth wrung out from a
solution of 1 tablespoon of distilled vinegar in a
quart of luke-warm water. Complete the job by
wiping the surface with a soft dry cloth.

Dirt and grime can be easily removed from woodwork
with a solution of 1 cup of ammonia, 1/2 cup of
distilled vinegar, and 1/4 cup of baking soda in a
cup of warm water. This solution will not dull the
finish or leave streaks.

Stubborn rings resulting from wet glasses being
placed on wood furniture may be removed by rubbing
with a mixture of equal parts of distilled vinegar
and olive oil. Rub with the grain and polish for
the best results.

Wood paneling may be cleaned with a mixture of
1 ounce of olive oil and 2 ounces of distilled
vinegar in 1 quart of warm water. Moisten a soft
cloth with the solution and wipe the paneling.
The yellowing is then removed by wiping with a
soft, dry cloth.

A Year of Slow Cooking: CrockPot Rice Krispies Treat Recipe

A Year of Slow Cooking: CrockPot Rice Krispies Treat Recipe

A Year of Slow Cooking: CrockPot Peanut Clusters

A Year of Slow Cooking: CrockPot Peanut Clusters

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Amish Cooking Recipes Free Easy Food Recipe

Amish Cooking Recipes Free Easy Food Recipe

Eggs Cheese Rice Noodles Recipes Amish Cooking Recipe

Eggs Cheese Rice Noodles Recipes Amish Cooking Recipe

Recipe of the Week

Recipe of the Week

Squirrel Bakes: Pumpkin Cake Pops

Squirrel Bakes: Pumpkin Cake Pops

Squirrel Bakes: Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

Squirrel Bakes: Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

Peanut Butter Truffles - Blog Posts - Foodbuzz

Peanut Butter Truffles - Blog Posts - Foodbuzz

Mandarin Orange Pineapple Salad


1 16 oz. carton whipped topping
1 6 oz. box any flavor gelatin...use dry
1 20 oz. can crushed pineapple (drained)
1 11 oz. can mandarin oranges, drained

Mix all the above well and pour into 9" X 13" container with cover and refrigerate.

To this basic recipe, you may add cottage cheese, marshmallows, coconut, nuts and/or cherries before refrigerating for a more festive salad.

Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe : Tyler Florence : Food Network

Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe : Tyler Florence : Food Network

Quick and Easy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Quick and Easy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Butterscotch Treats

This makes up quick for a nice butterscotch flavored treat.

First Layer:

1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 egg yolks (save whites for second layer)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup butter/margarine
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder

Crumble all ingredients together well. Press firmly into 9X9 inch ungreased pan. Set aside.

Second Layer:

2 egg whites
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup chopped walnuts

Beat egg whites until frothy. Add brown sugar 1/3 at a time, beating until stiff. Fold in nuts. Spoon over unbaked first layer, spreading evenly.

Bake in 350 degree oven for about 25 minutes until golden. Cool. Cut with sharp knife, dipped in hot water between cuts. Makes 36 squares.

** Covering pan allows the topping to soften for easier cutting.

Creative Confectionery: Sweet Dreams Cookies

Creative Confectionery: Sweet Dreams Cookies

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Crockpot BBQ Chicken Wings - How to Make Crockpot BBQ Chicken Wings Video

Crockpot BBQ Chicken Wings - How to Make Crockpot BBQ Chicken Wings Video

Cranberry-Orange Relish Recipe - Easy Cranberry Orange Relish

Cranberry-Orange Relish Recipe - Easy Cranberry Orange Relish

Cranberry-Orange Relish Recipe - Recipe for Cranberry Orange Relish - Thanksgiving Recipes

Cranberry-Orange Relish Recipe - Recipe for Cranberry Orange Relish - Thanksgiving Recipes

Three Fruit Gelatin Recipe - Recipe for Three Fruit Gelatin - Cranberry Salad Recipe

Three Fruit Gelatin Recipe - Recipe for Three Fruit Gelatin - Cranberry Salad Recipe

not martha — Chocolate Easter Surprise Eggs

not martha — Chocolate Easter Surprise Eggs

not martha — Easter Surprise Eggs (the easy version)

not martha — Easter Surprise Eggs (the easy version)

Recipes: Easy Chicken and Noodles

Recipes: Easy Chicken and Noodles

Recipes: Bacon and Egg Bake

Recipes: Bacon and Egg Bake



Friday, May 13, 2011

Banana-Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe | MyRecipes.com

Banana-Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe MyRecipes.com

The Open Pantry: Giveaway!!! The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner cookbook

The Open Pantry: Giveaway!!! The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner cookbook

Whole Cranberry Sauce

Whole Cranberry Sauce
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. water
1 (8 oz.) bag of whole cranberries
(i used a 12 oz. bag & it worked perfectly, too)

Put these all together in a microwaveable dish.
Cover with Wax Paper.
Microwave for 7 minutes.
Chill and eat~!

The Food Nanny Recipes | LIVESTRONG.COM

The Food Nanny Recipes LIVESTRONG.COM

Cooks.com - Suggestions - Potatoes

Cooks.com - Suggestions - Potatoes

Macaroni and Cheese Recipe, Homemade Mac and Cheese: CheapCooking.com

Macaroni and Cheese Recipe, Homemade Mac and Cheese: CheapCooking.com

Cheap and Easy Recipes, Chicken Recipes, Beef Recipes, Pork Recipes: CheapCooking.com

Cheap and Easy Recipes, Chicken Recipes, Beef Recipes, Pork Recipes: CheapCooking.com

Blog of CheapCooking.com » make ahead

Blog of CheapCooking.com » make ahead

Blog of CheapCooking.com » casseroles

Blog of CheapCooking.com » casseroles

Fettuccine Alfredo (The Food Nanny) Recipe | LIVESTRONG.COM

Fettuccine Alfredo (The Food Nanny) Recipe LIVESTRONG.COM

Fired-Up Macaroni & Cheese (The Food Nanny) Recipe | LIVESTRONG.COM

Fired-Up Macaroni & Cheese (The Food Nanny) Recipe LIVESTRONG.COM

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Very Cranberry Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Very Cranberry Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Freezing Cookies and Cookie Dough Article - Allrecipes.com

Freezing Cookies and Cookie Dough Article - Allrecipes.com

Amish Cookies Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Amish Cookies Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Amish Oatmeal Whoopie Pie Cookies Recipe - Food.com - 118749

Amish Oatmeal Whoopie Pie Cookies Recipe - Food.com - 118749

Banana Whoopie Pies Recipe - Food.com - 451180

Banana Whoopie Pies Recipe - Food.com - 451180

Banana Cookies Recipe Collections - Food.com

Banana Cookies Recipe Collections - Food.com

Cooks.com - Recipes - Coca Cola Roast

Cooks.com - Recipes - Coca Cola Roast

Diet Coke Almost Brownies Recipe


Coca-Cola - Heritage - Recipes

Coca-Cola - Heritage - Recipes

Kentucky Derby chocolate pecan pie - CSMonitor.com

Kentucky Derby chocolate pecan pie - CSMonitor.com

Coca-Cola Cake Recipe (American cocoa-cola cake) | United States | Whats4Eats

Coca-Cola Cake Recipe (American cocoa-cola cake) United States Whats4Eats

Desserts, Sweets, Cookies, Candies, Puddings and Pastries Recipes from Around the World | Whats4Eats

Desserts, Sweets, Cookies, Candies, Puddings and Pastries Recipes from Around the World Whats4Eats

Chocolate Crackles Recipe (Australian chocolate rice crispy treats) | Australia | Whats4Eats

Chocolate Crackles Recipe (Australian chocolate rice crispy treats) Australia Whats4Eats

Frozen Puff Pastry - Food For Thought - Half Hour Meals - Recipes For Your Lifestyle!

Frozen Puff Pastry - Food For Thought - Half Hour Meals - Recipes For Your Lifestyle!

Archives For The 'Baking Tips' Category - Food For Thought - Half Hour Meals - Recipes For Your Lifestyle!

Archives For The 'Baking Tips' Category - Food For Thought - Half Hour Meals - Recipes For Your Lifestyle!

Karen's Homemade strawberry frozen yogurt - Half Hour Meals - Recipes For Your Lifestyle!

Karen's Homemade strawberry frozen yogurt - Half Hour Meals - Recipes For Your Lifestyle!

Tuna Melt Sandwich - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Tuna Melt Sandwich - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Nancy's Broccoli Grape Salad - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Nancy's Broccoli Grape Salad - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Gourmet French Toast - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Gourmet French Toast - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Christmas Roasted Potatoes - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Christmas Roasted Potatoes - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Fluffy Scrambled Eggs - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Fluffy Scrambled Eggs - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Easy Holiday Seven Layer Bars - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Easy Holiday Seven Layer Bars - Carriage House Quilt Shop

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sew Many Ways...: Recipes

Sew Many Ways...: Recipes

Hidden Valley - Recipe Page

Hidden Valley - Recipe Page

Joy's Light Balsamic Vinaigrette Salad Dressing Recipe

Joy's Light Balsamic Vinaigrette Salad Dressing Recipe

1 TBSP = 34 calories and 23 mg Sodium

1/2 cup Balsamic Vinegar
3 TBSP. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 cup water
1 TBSP. Dijon Mustard
1 tsp. Honey
1 tsp. Garlic Powder

Put the above ingredients in a masor jar, put on lid and shake.

I was watching the Today show on tv this morning and they posted this recipe.

Lighten Up: Healthy Apple-Streusel Muffins

Lighten Up: Healthy Apple-Streusel Muffins

Friday, April 29, 2011

1200 Grilling Recipes (Get Ready to Grill Beef, Pork, Chicken & Seafood)


Cauliflower Fritters

Cauliflower Fritters

1 large head cauliflower

1/2 flour

1 egg

Steam cauliflower, place in bowl and mash and let cool 10 min.
Stir in flour and egg, season with salt and pepper and refrigerate for 15 min.
Roll mixture into ball then flatten into patties. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil over
medium heat. Fry patties until golden brown about 4 min. on each side.

Mandarin Orange Salad Recipe - Food.com - 140263

Mandarin Orange Salad Recipe - Food.com - 140263

Orange Cottage Cheese Salad Recipe - Food.com - 16109

Orange Cottage Cheese Salad Recipe - Food.com - 16109

Orange Cottage Cheese Salad

1 orange jello mixed in 1 carton of cottage cheese and 1 can of mandarin oranges and 1 cool whip

Monday, April 25, 2011

Marlys Lasagna Recipe

Craftybear asked if I would share this recipe. It's very easy & delicious!
Marlys Lasagna Recipe

1/2 c. chopped onion
1lb. ground beef
2 large cans tomato sauce
1/2 c. Parmesan cheese
6 oz. grated Mozzarella
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. sugar
1tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
Lasagna Noodles

Cook onion & beef until brown. Combine sauce and spices with beef mixture. Simmer 30 minutes or until thick. Cook lasagna while beef mixture is simmering. Arrange 1/3 lasagna in greased pan. Cover with 1/3 sauce & beef mixture, 1/3 Parmesan and Mozzarella and repeat until end, with generous layer of cheese on top. (I don't measure my cheese - I like lots). Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes before cutting.
Yes, it makes a 9 x 13. I usually make a couple of extra noodles and cut them to fit the end of the pan. Other wise the ends have meat but no pasta!

Oven Roasted Pot Roast


I am fixing this roast for supper for tonight.

Pistachio Fluff Fruit Salad Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Pistachio Fluff Fruit Salad Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Peanut Butter Easter Eggs Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Peanut Butter Easter Eggs Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lasagna - Half Hour Meals - Recipes For Your Lifestyle!

Lasagna - Half Hour Meals - Recipes For Your Lifestyle!

Easter Sweets and Easter Desserts | Easter Recipes - Kids' Easter Food | FamilyFun

Easter Sweets and Easter Desserts Easter Recipes - Kids' Easter Food FamilyFun

Mother's Day Recipes -- Cooking Ideas for Mother's Day | FamilyFun

Mother's Day Recipes -- Cooking Ideas for Mother's Day FamilyFun

Queen for a Day Cupcakes | Mother's Day Recipes -- Cooking Ideas for Mother's Day | FamilyFun

Queen for a Day Cupcakes Mother's Day Recipes -- Cooking Ideas for Mother's Day FamilyFun

My Grandmother's Parker House Rolls Recipe - Scratch Yeast Rolls Recipes - Dinner Rolls Recipes

My Grandmother's Parker House Rolls Recipe - Scratch Yeast Rolls Recipes - Dinner Rolls Recipes

Weekend Cook - Ham Easter Leftovers Recipes - Easter Menus Easter Recipes Easter Entertaining

Weekend Cook - Ham Easter Leftovers Recipes - Easter Menus Easter Recipes Easter Entertaining

Getting a jump on Easter leftovers - LancasterOnline.com Lifestyle

Getting a jump on Easter leftovers - LancasterOnline.com Lifestyle

Big Bear Hugs From Craftybear (2,648 Visitors on my Blog as of 4/24/2011)

cinnamon raisin bagels | smitten kitchen

cinnamon raisin bagels smitten kitchen

Food Network Recipes & Easy Cooking Techniques

Food Network Recipes & Easy Cooking Techniques

Hungry Happenings: Mardi Gras Gumbo Topped with Crowns and Masks

Hungry Happenings: Mardi Gras Gumbo Topped with Crowns and Masks

Thursday, April 21, 2011

4H Winning Recipes Index

4H Winning Recipes Index

Snack Recipes

Snack Recipes

How to Make Fried Chicken

How to Make Fried Chicken

See Our Most Popular Casserole Recipes - Casseroles - Recipe.com

See Our Most Popular Casserole Recipes - Casseroles - Recipe.com

Finally, I found it! « bakerella.com

Finally, I found it! « bakerella.com

Pineapple Butter Cake and Ask Chef Dennis - Blog Posts - Foodbuzz

Pineapple Butter Cake and Ask Chef Dennis - Blog Posts - Foodbuzz

GMA Recipe: Cat Cora's Crispy 'Fried' Chicken

GMA Recipe: Cat Cora's Crispy 'Fried' Chicken

GMA Recipe: Deep-Fried Oreos

GMA Recipe: Deep-Fried Oreos

GMA Recipe: Chelsea's Chocolate Chip Cookies

GMA Recipe: Chelsea's Chocolate Chip Cookies

GMA Recipe: Green Eggs and Ham

GMA Recipe: Green Eggs and Ham

GMA Recipe: Mashed Sweet Potatoes

GMA Recipe: Mashed Sweet Potatoes

GMA Recipe: Cinnamon Monkey Bread

GMA Recipe: Cinnamon Monkey Bread

Get Smart About Boiled Eggs — Pauladeen.com

Get Smart About Boiled Eggs — Pauladeen.com

Wednesday, March 30, 2011



Before freezing a package of tortillas for storage, place a piece of wax paper between each tortilla. This way you can remove the number you need without having to thaw the whole package.

Cooking Basics – Campbell’s Kitchen

Cooking Basics – Campbell’s Kitchen

Campbell's Kitchen: Green Bean Casserole

Campbell's Kitchen: Green Bean Casserole

Five Healthy Snacks - How to Make Five Healthy Snacks Video

Five Healthy Snacks - How to Make Five Healthy Snacks Video

Low Fat Oven Fried Chicken - How to Make Low Fat Oven Fried Chicken

Low Fat Oven Fried Chicken - How to Make Low Fat Oven Fried Chicken

5 Quick and Easy Low Fat Chicken Recipes

5 Quick and Easy Low Fat Chicken Recipes

Pineapple Cream Cake Recipe

Pineapple Cream Cake Recipe

Frozen Lemonade Pie Recipe

Frozen Lemonade Pie Recipe

YouTube - Frozen Lemonade Pie Dessert Recipe

YouTube - Frozen Lemonade Pie Dessert Recipe

and recipe on this link


Salmon Recipes

Salmon Recipes

How to Make Frozen Lemonade: 6 steps (with video) - wikiHow

How to Make Frozen Lemonade: 6 steps (with video) - wikiHow

Homemade popsicle recipes: How to make ice pops at home

Homemade popsicle recipes: How to make ice pops at home

Pops « bakerella.com

Pops « bakerella.com

S’moregasbord « bakerella.com

S’moregasbord « bakerella.com

Kittencal's Bakery Shop Lemon Cream Cheese Pie Recipe - Food.com - 107621

Kittencal's Bakery Shop Lemon Cream Cheese Pie Recipe - Food.com - 107621

Egg Mcmuffin Pie Camp Irons Recipe - Food.com - 181226

Egg Mcmuffin Pie Camp Irons Recipe - Food.com - 181226

Egg Mcmuffin Recipe - Food.com - 101647

Egg Mcmuffin Recipe - Food.com - 101647

Chicken Pot Pie Recipe

2 C cooked chicken breast..chopped
2 hard boiled eggs sliced (optional-i left out)
1/2 C thinly sliced carots (i pre cooked)
1 large potato--sliced/cooked
1/2 c frozen peas
1 can cream chicken  or cream of mushroom soup
1 c chicken broth
salt/pepper to tast
1 -1/2 c bisquick
1 c milk
1/2 stik melted buttter

preheat oven to 350
grease 2qt caserole
layer chicken & veggies
mix soup, broth & season with s/p..pour over layers.
stir together bisquick & milk, pour over casserole
drizzle butter over the topping
bake till golden brown 30-40 min

serves 4-6

Lavender Honey Yogurt with Fresh Berries and Toasted Almonds |

Lavender Honey Yogurt with Fresh Berries and Toasted Almonds

Overnight Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting |

Overnight Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting

Green Beans & Potatoes

1 pound fresh green beans
5 slices bacon
1 chopped onion
4 new potatoes
salt to taste
1 tsp black pepper
4 cups water
Snap beans and wash well.Place a large pot over medium heat and cook bacon until light brown.Add the beans and all the other ingredients and water..Simmer for about 1 hour or until nice and tender..Add additional water if necessary...

Orange Chicken with WW points

Orange Chicken

Makes 4 Servings

½ cup water
½ cup light orange juice
1/4 cup Splenda sweetener
2 Tbl brown sugar
3 Tbl rice vinegar
2 Tbl reduced-sodium soy sauce
3 Tbl lemon juice
¼ tsp ground ginger
1/8 tsp pepper flakes
2 Tbl cornstarch

1 ¼ pounds boneless, skinless chicken breast, chopped into bite size pieces
1 large egg, beaten
¼ cup all-purpose flour
2 Tbl canola oil
1 small red pepper, chopped
1 small onion, chopped

1).To make the sauce, in a medium saucepan, whisk together the first nine ingredients (water through pepper flakes). Place the pan over medium-high heat and bring to a low simmer.

2).In a small bowl, mix together 2 Tbl of water and the cornstarch to create a slurry and whisk into the sauce. Bring the sauce to a low boil and cook for 1 minutes, or until the sauce thickens and clears. Reduce the heat to low and allow to simmer.

3).Roll the chicken pieces in the egg and toss with flour to coat.

4).Heat 1 Tbl of oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add half of the chicken and cook 4 to 5 minutes, or until well browned on all side and chicken is cook through. Transfer the chicken to a bowl and cover. Heat the remaining oil and cook the remaining chicken pieces. Add the chicken to the bowl and set aside.

5).Add the red pepper and onion to the pan and cook for 4 to 5 minutes, or until slightly softened. Add the chicken to the pan and the the orange sauce. Stir to coat and serve.

Sauce can be made ahead, covered & refrigerated till needed.

Nutrition information per serving (1 cup)
Calories 290 – Carbohydrate 18g (Sugars 8g) - Total fat 9g (Sat Fat 1 g) - Protein 32g – Fiber 0g – Cholesterol 100 mg – Sodium 360mg – Food Exchange: 4 Lean Meat, 1 starch, ½ Carbohydrate – Carbohydrate choices: 1 ½ – WW point comparison: 6

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kids Recipes A to Z

Kids Recipes A to Z

Easy Microwave Recipe | Delicious Microwave Recipes

Easy Microwave Recipe Delicious Microwave Recipes

Cooks.com - Recipes - Microwave Chicken Breast

Cooks.com - Recipes - Microwave Chicken Breast

Microwave Recipes - Food.com

Microwave Recipes - Food.com

Microwave Recipes


Bitchin' Kitchen's Home Fries - Blog Posts - Foodbuzz

Bitchin' Kitchen's Home Fries - Blog Posts - Foodbuzz

Carrot Cake Cookies with Oatmeal & Macadamias - Blog Posts - Foodbuzz

Carrot Cake Cookies with Oatmeal & Macadamias - Blog Posts - Foodbuzz

The Nutrition Search Engine - SkipThePie.org

Search this site by name of food to get nutrition value (Calories, Carbohydrates)
The Nutrition Search Engine - SkipThePie.org

Also you can pull up by catergories in the Directory!


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Little Space: Rainbow Jello

Little Space: Rainbow Jello

Chet Day's Crockpot Recipes: Crockpot Potato Soup

Chet Day's Crockpot Recipes: Crockpot Potato Soup

Vegetarian Crockpot Spaghetti

Vegetarian Crockpot Spaghetti

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Slow Cooker Recipes: Recipes-Collections: RecipeTips.com

Slow Cooker Recipes: Recipes-Collections: RecipeTips.com

Slow Cooker New Potatoes Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Slow Cooker New Potatoes Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

All About Sweet Potatoes: Easy How-To Cooking Tips & Advice: RecipeTips.com

All About Sweet Potatoes: Easy How-To Cooking Tips & Advice: RecipeTips.com

Sweet Potato Oven Baked Fries Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Sweet Potato Oven Baked Fries Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Baked Sweet Potatoes with Honey Jalapeno Sour Cream Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Baked Sweet Potatoes with Honey Jalapeno Sour Cream Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes with Cranberries Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes with Cranberries Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Root Beer Float Cookies Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Root Beer Float Cookies Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

RecipeTips.Com My Files

RecipeTips.Com My Files

Banana Bread Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Banana Bread Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Banana Blueberry Bread Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Banana Blueberry Bread Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Banana Bars Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Banana Bars Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

How to Freeze Bananas Video: Videos: RecipeTips.com

How to Freeze Bananas Video: Videos: RecipeTips.com

Cutting up a Chicken for Your Favorite Chicken Recipes Video: Videos: RecipeTips.com

Cutting up a Chicken for Your Favorite Chicken Recipes Video: Videos: RecipeTips.com

Chicken Divine - Chicken, Rice, and Broccoli Casserole Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Chicken Divine - Chicken, Rice, and Broccoli Casserole Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Macaroni and Cheese with Chicken and Broccoli Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Macaroni and Cheese with Chicken and Broccoli Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Homemade Macaroni and Cheese Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Homemade Macaroni and Cheese Recipe: Recipes: RecipeTips.com

Friday, March 18, 2011

Skinny Bits: Does Weight Watchers Really Work?

Skinny Bits: Does Weight Watchers Really Work?

The Skinny Tuna Melt | Ginas Skinny Recipes

The Skinny Tuna Melt Ginas Skinny Recipes

Ranch Dip - Weight Watchers with points


Grilled Peaches - WW points


Low Fat Baked Onion Rings * Weight Watchers Points

Low Fat Baked Onion Rings (WW Points)

Cranberry Orange Relish

   Fresh cranberry relish;

1 pound of fresh cranberries,
1 whole orange with the white stuff cut away and of course seeds removed,
splenda to taste (approx. 1/2 cup.)

Mix altogether in blender until you have a the consistency of relish. Refigerate and it will last a long time. It is delicous with any kind of meat, especially roasted turkey.

Cranberry-Orange Muffins Recipe by Sunkist

Cranberry-Orange Muffins Recipe by Sunkist

Oven-Fried Fish with Lemon Ponzu Sauce Recipe by Sunkist

Oven-Fried Fish with Lemon Ponzu Sauce Recipe by Sunkist

Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers Calculator

Points Plus Calculator &

Ppints Plus Calculator

Calorie Counter

Calorie Counter for your homepage

Weight Watcher Points from Foods I eat

Meijer Grocery Store

1.  Split Top Wheat Bread  2 slices  equals 4 points
(120 calories, 1.5 fat, 1 fiber = 2 pts. for 1 slice bread)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Philly Quick Cheesecake Recipes - Philly Cream Cheese Cheesecake Recipes | Kraft Philly

Philly Quick Cheesecake Recipes - Philly Cream Cheese Cheesecake Recipes Kraft Philly

Best-Ever Texas Sheet Cake recipe

Best-Ever Texas Sheet Cake recipe

One-Pan Chicken and Potato Bake recipe

One-Pan Chicken and Potato Bake recipe

How To Cut Up a Whole Chicken cooking video

How To Cut Up a Whole Chicken cooking video

Chicken Recipes

Chicken Recipes

Eggplant Parmesan recipe

Eggplant Parmesan recipe

Strawberry-Feta Salad recipe

Strawberry-Feta Salad recipe

Banana Pudding Squares recipe

Banana Pudding Squares recipe

Irish Beef Stew recipe

Irish Beef Stew recipe

How to Bake Chicken Drumsticks With Bread Crumbs | eHow.com

How to Bake Chicken Drumsticks With Bread Crumbs eHow.com

How to Cook Chicken Drumsticks in the Oven | eHow.com

How to Cook Chicken Drumsticks in the Oven eHow.com

eHow Food | eHow.com

eHow Food eHow.com

Totally Tutorials - A directory of free craft tutorials

Totally Tutorials - A directory of free craft tutorials

Totally Tutorials - A directory of free craft tutorials

Totally Tutorials - A directory of free craft tutorials

Ethiopian Cabbage Dish Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Ethiopian Cabbage Dish Recipe - Allrecipes.com

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Crispy Salmon Patties

what you need
  • 1 can (15-16 oz.) salmon
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup onion, minced
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1-1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 cup oil
make it
Drain salmon, saving liquid. Place salmon in medium size mixing bowl and debone salmon. Add egg and onion to deboned salmon, blending well until mixture is sticky. Stir in flour, mixing well.

In small bowl, combine baking powder with 2 Tbsp. of the saved liquid, stirring until mixture is frothy. Pour baking powder mixture into salmon mixture, mixing well.

Form into small patties and fry in oil until golden brown (about 5 minutes).
Serve while piping hot and pass the ketchup or Kraft Mayonnaise.

Salmon Recipes

Salmon Recipes

Boston Cream Pie Minis recipe

Boston Cream Pie Minis recipe

Cupcakes - Boston Cream

I found this recipe online from a lady's site:

The cupcakes may look complicated, but they’re actually quite easy, a simple box mix to make the cupcakes, a couple of ingredients whipped together, these are a great cooking project for parents and older children. The cupcakes can be cut with a simple butter knife so there’s no risk to fingers. My only tip is to cut the cupcake, place the bottom half on the tray where you’re going to want it for chilling (I can put all 24 on a large cookie sheet in rows of 4). Put your filling on the bottom, then top it, this reduces the need to move the cupcake before it’s fully set and keeps them looking fluffy and nice.
These cupcakes have been a big hit everywhere they’ve gone

Free recipes, easy to make dinners for oven, grill or crockpot: Your resource for crafting and cooking : Sawyers-Specialties

Free recipes, easy to make dinners for oven, grill or crockpot: Your resource for crafting and cooking : Sawyers-Specialties